Shannon Toth 

Visual Artist based in Naarm 


Shannon Toth

Visual artist based in Naarm 



In this exhibition, marshmallow is used to create a large folded object and bind together a curved pine structure. The marshmallow appears to be pillowy and soft like a doona or blanket but is also pliable and plump-like flesh. The folded form of the object suggests domesticity like it belongs in the linen cupboard.

The curved pine structure has the dimensions of a single bed frame, yet it’s warped and balances precariously on a curved edge, rocking like a baby’s cradle - but for an adult body. While a child is nursed and comforted by a rocking motion, the same action in an adult-sized bed suggests a sexual act.

It is absurd to rely on marshmallow for a blanket and a distorted rocking bed for comfort and protection, but if it’s all you’ve got then it’s a perfectly viable adaptation.